Building Relationships

Excuse me! Achiever, I want to start building a relationship with you.

  Excuse me! Achiever, I want to start building a relationship with you. High achiever, I want to start building a relationship with you because there is a fiery passion burning inside of you. Achiever, I want to partner with more people like you because you keep up with my work stamina and have the same high energy. Achiever, you know that career success and relationship success are not the same. Achiever, you are driven and you see the value in open communication around financial literacy because you want healthy money relationships. Achiever, you are inspiring other people to work a little harder. Achiever, you have the awareness of what needs to get done and how to get there. I am writing this post because I want to build a relationship with more achievers. I want to build a relationship with more achievers because we get things done. I want to build relationships with the achiever because you push yourself and others towards goals, accomplishments, and completion. If you are still reading this post, I know you are a high achiever. This is because you are always on the go; you literally do not need an off button. My goal by the end of this article is to get the attention of achievers. I want to get the attention of achievers because I know at the end of the day; you must achieve something concrete to feel good about yourself. When I say at the end of the day, I mean every single day, you must get something done. Achiever, you are the type of person I would like to start building a one-on-one relationship with you. For example, I would like to offer you my coaching services that help build healthy money relationships or show you a few income-producing properties in the Central Florida area. Achiever, I want to build a relationship with you because achievers amplify others’ productivity. I know if I build a relationship with you, I will be more productive than alone. I strongly believe we will be more productive in a power of two or three because when you bring others to agreeance, there is no telling what can be done. Achiever, my advice to you is to pay attention to those that can keep up with you and people that press you to work even harder and run next to them. Achiever, I know you are busy with careers, routines, and friends, but if you do not mind, I would like to start building a relationship with you. I do not want our relationship to feel like it is another task that you must check off your to-do list. Achievers, continue to read this article. I want to build a relationship with you on a solid foundation by doing less, building strong boundaries, and embracing imperfections.

  Achiever, I want to start building a relationship with you by working smarter, not harder. I want to start building a relationship with you by doing less because I know that you do more, working hard. Achiever, if we get together and start building a relationship, we can get the work done in less time. Our relationship will be multiplicative of work ethic and can be used to outshine other teams. High achiever, I love our relationship because I can leave you to do your own thing. I love that it is not much talking, just all heads down getting the work done. High achiever, birds of a feather flock together.  The fact that you work hard, you may not want to stop for those that cannot keep up with you. Achiever, the main reason I want to build a relationship with you is that we can find ways to open the gates and run and be free mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially. For example, high achiever, I know that all your relationships give you satisfaction, but your personal relationships often get neglected when you try to do everything and be good at everything. Achiever, I want to build a relationship with you by doing less and celebrating what has been done. I want to help you realize what you have accomplished and what you have said yes to. Achiever, I want to build a relationship with you on a solid foundation, but we must build strong boundaries.

            High achiever, I want to build a relationship with you, but we must first build strong boundaries. High achiever, I know that you have great awareness in the back of your mind. Achiever, you have the awareness of what needs to get done and how to get it done. Achiever, because you understand what is undone, how we can get to the bottom of the task list, you know boundaries help us prioritize what is important. Boundaries are defined as the limits we set about standards of behavior we will and will not accept. There is truth to the idea in which you teach people how to treat you by what you allow. Overachievers, none of us can do everything. We must make and set boundaries. We also must make choices on how to allocate our time and energy. For example, achiever, do not commit all your time to everything; put the most important things first. Achiever, do not stretch yourself too thin, learn how to say no, and ensure that what you are looking for is clear and obvious. Although boundaries usually relate to external behaviors, it can be helpful to first practice setting boundaries within yourself first. My goal when building a relationship with an achiever is to help achievers put better metrics in place. I also help achievers align with future goals based on what was done in the past. Achiever, setting boundaries is a learning process. I can help you start off small with boundary setting so then you can use what you learned to tackle bigger situations when they arise. I can be a great accountability partner for the achiever because I have dispassion towards a checklist. Trust me, I am committed to the end, and that is why I would like to start building a relationship with the achievers that are reading this article.

            Lastly, I would like to start building a relationship with the achiever on a solid foundation; so we must discuss embracing imperfection. As a high achiever, I know that you are not a perfectionist; you are just anticipating things that you could be completing. Achiever, you have an awareness of what can be done. High achievers keep on working hard because you can learn how to let things be imperfect with strong intention and lots of practice. When you are high-achieving, you believe perfection is based on intelligence, accuracy, and having perfect evaluations. This is especially true when making and keeping friends; so there is a need to rely on intellect and high achievement for your identity. As life starts to get more demanding, it is no surprise that achievers cannot rely on their intelligence alone to meet the increasing demands. When you seek perfection, you give yourself a tough time when you cannot meet your high standard. You could be carrying the burden of not being good enough. My advice to you is to be mindful of your self-talk. For example, start to talk highly of yourself and recognize that it is alright to make mistakes. Wanting to do things perfectly only slows you down from finishing the project and moving on. Achiever, I know that it frustrates you when you cannot confidently mark a task as perfectly completed. However, achiever, you can break imperfection issues into small actional steps and make the task seem more manageable. Achiever, I want to build a relationship with you so that you can fully unlock your full potential.

             Achiever, I would like to start building a relationship with you, so we can work smarter not harder, build strong boundaries, and embrace imperfections. Achiever, I want to take you away from all the slackers and toxic relationships because they will drive you crazy and slow you down. I will hold you accountable and make sure you put the most important things first. Achiever, you spend so much time working and meeting your goals; you must make time for your personal relationships. Achiever, I found that you know how to build relationships, but you do not know how to maintain them because you are so focused and busy. Achiever, no one is perfect; so let’s work toward building healthier relationships, but not just any type of healthy relationship. I would like to assist you and the ones you love build a healthy money relationship. Achiever, I cannot wait to work one-on-one with you. My name is, Brittneyann Cover, I am a financial literacy expert and life coach. What I enjoy the most is helping parents, couples, and teens build healthy money relationships. Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and click Cover B Coaching. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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